Living with someone isn’t always easy. This year’s pandemic has forced many of us to spend more time at home. For some couples and families this has been very hard on relationships, and we are often seeing more friction and even higher rates of domestic violence in Calgary and around the world (see CTV article of April 20, 2020).

So anything we can do to ensure harmony at home is a benefit to all of us. Keeping the home clean and organized is one way to help reduce stress. It also helps our mental health and keeps our minds clear. According to Psychology Today, “research shows that excessive clutter and mess is distracting and inhibits our ability to concentrate and focus” (see Psychology Today).

Keeping everything clean is especially important now as it will help reduce the spread of bacteria, viruses like Covid, and other diseases. And of course it’s much easier to clean a home that maintains a low level of clutter.

Here are a few things we can do to keep our homes organized when living with others

Set ground rules

  1. Division of labour – divide the work and make sure everyone knows their tasks

  2. Create a schedule for decluttering and cleaning – almost everything else in our lives is scheduled, and these important tasks should be, too

  3. Break the work into smaller pieces; start with just 5 minutes per day

  4. Put a copy of the schedule and tasks on the fridge for everyone to see

  5. Clean up after yourselves

  6. Do a bit of decluttering every day

Stick with your new plan!

Experts say it takes about 21 days to form new habit, so it’s important to get started and remain committed … and pretty soon organizing, decluttering and cleaning will be a natural part of your daily routine.

Tips for families to organize the home

  1. Add extra bins to your fridge to keep things from becoming a disorganized mess.

  2. Keep an inventory on top of your freezer.

  3. Declutter your counter and move all of your utensils over to the wall.

  4. Put together a homework station for your son or daughter to study at.

  5. Drawer knobs are one of the easiest ways to add storage to your entryway. You can add them to the back of a door and hang bags, purses, jackets.

  6. Use a separate laundry bag for each member of the family.

  7. Print out labels for your children’s dresser drawers and get them help you put their clean clothes away.

Consult a professional organizer

Professional organizers have seen it all. They can really put you at ease and help you get and keep your home in order. Renaissance Lifestyles is committed to ensuring a stress-free experience for you. Let us help you make your life easier so that going forward you spend less time managing your possessions and more time enjoying your life. We are fully equipped with the storage solutions and decluttering techniques that will work for your unique needs and living space. Contact us today.




How to stay organized when living with others